
In order to consolidate and intensify its internationalization processes, PPGL/UFSCar has developed  a series of actions and measures, which both establish the interest of foreign students, teachers and researchers for the work developed in these three research lines and provide, more and more, the integration of their faculty members and students in international centers of excellence and the growing dissemination of the results of their studies abroad. At the end of 2018, PPGL accepted the Capes'  Internationalization Program (PrInt) to consolidate its internationalization strategic plans.

PPGL's participation in Print is part of UFSCar strategic plan for the expansion and establishment of agreements with foreign Universities, and, more particularly, in the framework of joint actions to be undertaken by the Graduate Programs and Departments of Center for Education and Human Sciences (CECH/ UFSCar), around the theme.

Education and human processes for social transformations

The set of internationalization actions includes "out" and "in" actions, ranging from sending researchers to other countries in postdoctoral programs, internships, or missions to visiting international faculty members, as well as publishing papers in journals and the participation in international events.
PPGL has what it calls Sandwich Doctorate Scholarships (PDSE), which is a PhD scholarship for an internship at a post-graduation program overseas, that are offered through specific annual public notices for students who are already enrolled in PPGL.

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